Basic Alerts

Bootstrap default style

Welcome! Message has been sent.
Done! Your profile photo updated.
Success! Message has been sent.
Info! You have got 5 new email.
Warning! Something went wrong. Please check.
Error! Message sending failed.
Error! You successfully read this important alert message.
Error! You successfully read this message..
Alerts Light

Bootstrap default style

Welcome! Message has been sent.
Done! Your profile photo updated.
Success! Message has been sent.
Info! You have got 5 new email.
Warning! Something went wrong. Please check.
Error! Message sending failed.
Error! You successfully read this important alert message.
Error! You successfully read this message..

Square alerts

add .alert-square class to change the solid color.

Welcome! Message has been sent.
Done! Your profile photo updated.
Success! Message has been sent.
Info! You have got 5 new email.
Warning! Something went wrong. Please check.
Error! Message sending failed.
Error! You successfully read this important alert message.
Error! You successfully read this message..
Diffrent Size Alerts
Welcome! Message has been sent.
Done! Your profile photo updated.
Success! Message has been sent.
Success! Message has been sent.
Color & Size Alerts
Welcome! Message has been sent.
Done! Your profile photo updated.
Success! Message has been sent.
Success! Message has been sent.
  • Default
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Lightblue
  • Teal
  • Lime
  • Deeporange